Pause and grab a coffee and lets brainstorm to live in a calm vs. anxious space
In building emotional regulation skills we discussed building a language for our emotions. Being able to label our emotions by identifying how they feel, look, size and whether negative or positive. We identified anxious as one of the emotions that we would unpack since it is so common with kids with learning differences and currently with the Covid changes. Currently a third of all American’s are dealing with a clinical level of anxiety due to varied stressors, change and loss.
First, ignoring is not the solution. Acknowledge it, identify source, and pursue calm.
The goal is to control anxious so that it does not control you. I am so familiar with anxious, possibly too familiar. My daughter Gaby has struggled with anxiety most of her life. And in this season in my life it is an every present emotion for me so much so that I have devoted much time in developing coping skills. I did not want most of my days to be consumed with a clouded mind consumed with anxiety. Anxiety can be physiological for many meaning you are wired to worry and its an automatic emotion for you over others. In this season I know exactly what that feels like. Bottom line anxiety can be a barrier that must be overcome. So let’s have this conversation when our children have anxiety the most important approach is to have a non-anxious parent!
Acknowledge it and trace it to the source if identifiable
Learn to Pause and make that part of your process always
Alter your Pace and routine so that it is excessively overwhelming
Prioritize an anxious mind can tend to think all pending matters are important. Anxiety clouds clarity. Exercise postponing what is not a priority to minimize tasks
Examine your Process: Are your coping tools effective or is it time to upgrade your coping tools.
I will share our families extensive coping tool box.
One of my coping tools is writing it all down. Lists make me calm! I list everything that comes to my mind down. A brain download. Writing it down will make it easier to sort through.